Welcome to CREAR
Center of Research in Econo-finance and Actuarial sciences on Risk
Centre de Recherche en Econo-finance et Actuariat sur le Risque
Welcome to Prof. Liang Peng, the Thomas P Bowles chair professor of actuarial science in the Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Science in the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, who has been granted a Fellow in Residence with CY Advanced Studies to work at ESSEC CREAR & IDO dpt from March to June 2025
Congratulations to:
Prof. Pierre Jacob, who has been awarded an ERC consolidator grant in December 2024 to work on unbiased MCMC, and to Dr. Mikolaj Kasprzak, who obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual (Global) Fellowship.
Prof. Paul Embrechts (Member of the CREAR Scientific Board) for his last book, co-authored with Dr. Marius Hofert and Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin: `Risk Revealed: Cautionary Tales, Understanding and Communication' (Cambridge Univ. Press, June 2024)
Dr. Michel Dacorogna (Member of the CREAR Scientific Board) for his last book, co-authored with Dr. Lars Jaeger : 'Where is Science Leading Us?' (Springer, Feb. 2024); "Wohin führt uns die Wissenschaft?" (Springer, German Ed., Nov. 2024)
Prof. Jeremy Heng, winner of the Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award 2022, recognizing outstanding junior Bayesian researchers based on their overall contribution to the field and to the community
Prof. Pierre Jacob, who has been awarded in 2021 the Royal Statistical Society’s Guy Medal in Bronze for his innovative and fundamental contributions to Bayesian and computational statistics
Clara Adiceom (ESSEC Actuaire 2019), who received a special mention at the Prix SCOR 2020 des Jeunes Actuaires for her actuarial master thesis
Dr Marcel Bräutigam, who received one of the two special mentions at the Prix des Sciences du Risque 2020 for his doctoral thesis.