Working Group on Risk






(see also:  Meetings, Abstracts & Talks,  Access to La Défense Campus)

Working Group on (quantitative) Risk Analysis / Uncertainty - ESSEC Business School, CREAR - 

with the support of the group BFA (Banque Finance Assurance) of the SFdS (Société Française de Statistique), of the French Institute of Actuaries - Institut des Actuaires (since 2012), and of LabEx MME-DII (since Fall 2014) . Financial support from ESSEC Research Center and LabEx MME-DII is gratefully acknowledged.

Main organizer: Marie Kratz

Co-organizers: Olga Klopp (ESSEC CREAR), Jeremy Heng (ESSEC CREAR), and Riada Djebbar (Singapore Actuarial Society - ERM)

Many skills are today distributed in various domains, financial, industrial, academic,..., therefore the intention behind the creation of this group is:

To this end, regular meetings will include:

Each participant might propose a precise theme, a work on a given article or on a project. The presentation slides are in general available, as well as the videos.

Our one hour meetings will take place generally twice a month.

If you are interested and want to be part of the mailing list, please contact Emilie DE STEFANO [click to mail]

Note: since March 2012, the French Institute of Actuaries (IA) supports the WG Risk and considers it as part of its program PPC (Programme de Perfectionnement Professionnel Continu). To participate to a conference holds for 6 points PPC.