With Companies & Institutions

Besides participation of ESSEC researchers, CREAR establishes productive links with similar international research laboratories and companies.

The main focus of CREAR towards professionals and financial institutions is to create an efficient organization dealing with

1.     quantitative research on financial and insurance risks

2.     focused on (re)insurances and bank-insurances

3.     in the background of the new risk based regulation (Solvency 2 Pillar 1 and ORSA , Swiss Solvency Test, Risk Based Capital from NAIC) 

See our ongoing projects with:

SCRC (Service Central du Renseignement Criminel / Central Criminal Intelligence Service) of PJGN (Pôle Judiciaire de la Gendarmerie Nationale)

The initiative is focused on cyber risk & security: it is a research project on the actuarial analysis of cybercrime risks. It requires the development of new techniques for modeling cyber risk with respect to its three characteristics:

- the existence of extreme risks (heavy distribution tail) ;

- a dynamic and rapidly evolving environment;

- a strong systemic risk due to the interconnection of systems and the widespread use of the same systems.

Modeling will allow a better understanding of the cyber risk and will help in the development of security strategies.

See: 'L’approche statistique au service de l’humain: mieux comprendre les risques cyber pour une société plus résiliente' par Marie Kratz dans la revue 266 de la Gendarmerie Nationale:  'L'humain au coeur de la cybersécurité

« Consequences of the population ageing on the insurances loss, in particular for motor insurance; impacts on prevention »

Director of the research program: Prof. Marie Kratz

The Research Program « Consequences of the population ageing on the insurances loss and impacts on the automobile prevention » aims at studying the issue of longevity and its impact on health and motor insurance. Pathologies such as slowly decreasing visual acuity, or, more severe, as a start of Alzheimer disease, are likely to reduce vigilance and safe driving. Taking medecines may have similar effects and trigger drowsiness or reducing vigilance, knowing that, statistically, medecines taking increases with age. One focus of the study will be on measuring those 'ageing' effects on driving, understanding their consequences and find solutions to decrease risk and improve prevention.

           Supervision: Marie Kratz

1 postdoctoral fellow: Dr. Rachid Id Brick

Supervision: Andrea Roncoroni