Climate, Risk, Insurance  

ISFA Lyon 

May 14, 2024

Journée 'Climat, Risque et Assurance'

14 mai 2024, ISFA Lyon

Organisation: Groupes 'Environnement et Statistique'  et  'Risques Assuranciels, Economiques et Financiers', de la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS)

Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire : Lien d'inscription

Lieu: Amphi G1 à l’ISFA (50 avenue Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon)




Lise BARDET is a hydraulic engineer by training.  Her research carried out at IRSN is focused on the improvement of statistical models for estimating extreme marine surges and more generally on the evaluation of uncertainties in the characterization of flooding and meteorological hazards, considering the impact of climate change. Her activities also include expert missions and doctrine developments on the levels of hydrometeorological hazards retained for the protection of nuclear facilities, and in the Hydrogeology Expertise Office on flood, meteorological and geotechnical risks (BEHRIG), for which she has been responsible since 2020. 

Geoffrey ECOTO

Dr. Geoffrey ECOTO, actuary, holds a doctorate in applied mathematics. His thesis focused on the use of machine learning for modeling geotechnical drought in France. He joined CCR in 2012, where he now holds the position of Deputy Head of Modeling & Actuarial Services. 


Prof. Carlo GAETAN (PhD in Statistics, Univ. Padua, Italy) is full Professor in Statistics since 2017. He started his career at the Univ. of Padova, then at the Ca'Foscari Univ. of Venice (Department of Statistics, then Department of Environmental Science, Informatics and Statistics). Carlo has been Associate Editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C "Applied Statistics" (2017-2021) and a visiting professor in France (Univ. Paris 1, Univ. Montpellier II, Univ. Paris Nanterre). His main research areas are spatial statistics, extreme values and environmental statistics. 


Dr. Noémie LE CARRER has forged her expertise on the concept of risk and methods of quantifying uncertainty during her PhD at the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty at the Univ. of Liverpool (UK), exploring the application of possibility theory to the problem of interpreting overall weather forecasts. Two post-doctoral experiences, at the Ca’Foscari Univ. of Venice (Italy), and then at the IMT Atlantique in Brest (France), subsequently allowed her to train in spatio-temporal statistical modeling of extreme events. She joined the Zurich Insurance R&D team in Aug. 2023. 


Dr. Esterina MASIELLO is `Maître de Conférences’ at ISFA (Institut de Sciences Financières et d’Assurance), Université Lyon 1. Her main research interests are risk theory and ruin probability, risk aggregation and copula estimation. She is also interested in the impact of climate change on insurance companies. She is elected member of the Insurance, economic and financial risks section of the French Statistical Society. 

Philippe NAVEAU

Dr. Philippe NAVEAU is a CNRS senior researcher at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) of the University Paris-Saclay (France). His research interests are extreme value theory, time series analysis, spatial statistics with main applications in statistical climatology and hydrology. He has been part of various national and international grants dealing with climate extremes analysis and statistical modelling. 


Robin NOYELLE is a PhD student in Climate Sciences at the LSCE. His higher education drove him from general physics and mathematics to environmental and climate sciences with a particular focus on atmospheric sciences. He is also interested in dynamical systems approaches to study non-linearities in the climate system. His PhD focus is the study of the dynamics leading to extreme events may change with climate change, with a special focus on heatwave events. 

Thomas OPITZ

Dr. Thomas OPITZ is INRAE senior researcher at the Biostatistics and Spatial Processes unit in Avignon. He develops new methods for the spatiotemporal statistical analysis of climatic and ecological processes and environmental risks, with a focus on extreme events associated with high impacts and long-term changes. He is elected member and president of the Environment section of the French Statistical Society, coordinates the RESSTE network (“Risques, Extrêmes et Statistique Spatio-TEmporelle”), and is involved in various national and international grants. 


Engineer (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris), holder of a master's degree in climatology (Sorbonne), and Actuary (from Institut du Risk Management), Tristan PEROTIN has 10 years (including 6 within the AXA group) of experience in risk modeling, with a focus on environmental and climate risks. He is currently Responsible for the loss reserving (including for the coverage of climatic risks such as storms, floods, hail, earthquake, …) of Direct Assurance. 


Dr. Lucia PINEAU-GUILLOU is a researcher in physical oceanography at IFREMER (France). She is particularly interested in extreme sea levels. Since 2022, she is responsible for the 4 years project ‘ClimEx’, aiming to collect and analyze water level measurements over the past 150 years in the North Atlantic, in order to clearly distinguish between natural and anthropogenic causes of its rise.


Dr. Nicolas RAILLARD is researcher at the Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory at IFREMER (France), and works on the use and development of statistical methods for maritime engineering. He works in particular on the statistical modeling of extreme events for the design of offshore structures, specifically for marine renewable energies and coastal risks.